Monday, March 2, 2015

South Korea baby ‘Drop Box’ film in theaters to show Seoul rescue ministry

Half of the movie’s proceeds will go to Kindred Image, a nonprofit group that seeks to build an orphanage and mothers program with Mr. Lee’s Jusarang Community Church in Seoul.

The other half will go to Focus on the Family’s Wait No More program, which is working with adoption agencies and churches to find homes for tens of thousands of children in U.S. foster care.

The goal is “to really raise awareness of the plight of unwanted children,” Focus on the Family President Jim Daly said in an interview at the National Prayer Breakfast last month.

“Something that we want to lift up is that every life is valuable, everyone deserves dignity,” said Mr. Daly, who spent a year in foster care as a child. “Pastor Lee isn’t just talking about it; he is doing it. He’s there for those kids.”

Countless South Korean babies have lost their lives after being left in streets or other places — often by unwed mothers. If a “drop box” baby comes with a note, it almost always says something like, “I am sorry. I am so sorry.”

Because infants and small children are abandoned around the world, the makers and supporters of “The Drop Box” hope the film will show the value of all lives.

“Because I’m a quadriplegic in a wheelchair and strong advocate for people with disabilities internationally, what Pastor Lee is doing to rescue children with disabilities from abandonment, starvation and death, to me, is an awesome miracle of God’s compassion,” Joni Eareckson Tada, founder of the Joni and Friends International Disabilities Center, told The Washington Times.

“Children with disabilities are on the lowest possible socioeconomic rung on anybody’s ladder, in any country,” she said. “They suffer the most abuse and neglect, and so I am glad that this movie is bringing attention to that.”

South Korea has strong stigmas against unwed childbearing, raising a child as a single parent and adoption, said Susan Soon-keum Cox, vice president of public policy and external affairs at Holt International Children’s Services, the oldest and largest intercountry adoption agency.

Story Continues →

via NorthEast Calling

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