We have seen Aamir Khan walk the extra mile for his films each time. This time around, the actor has worked out a lot and gone through a physical transformation for the role of a wrestler in his upcoming film, Dangal. He has gained about 20 kgs for his role in the film. Along with weight gain, the actor is also undergoing strenuous workout sessions to acquire the strength of a wrestler.
So much so, that, at a recent event, the actor was seen walking with a limp. When asked the reason, he told the people around how his character in Dangal requires him to work more on his lower body and so he has been doing heavy leg workouts in the gym that have caused the limp. We have seen actors with six pack abs and muscular upper bodies. However, this is unusual when an actor is concentrating on his lower body as the portrayal of a wrestler demands that.
There is a lot of buzz and excitement around the project and has become one of the most awaited films. When contacted, Aamir’s spokesperson confirmed the news and added, “Aamir works out four days a week, giving time in between for his muscles to relax.”
via NorthEast Calling http://necalling.com/%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8Baamir-khan-undergoes-strenuous-prep-for-dangal-32172
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