As Subhash Chandra Bose’s grand nephew meets Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Germany on Monday to demand declassification of all secret files related to him, a media report claimed that details of Bose’s family had been shared by the Intelligence Bureau with Britain’s MI5 earlier in 1947.
According to Mail Today, the Intelligence Bureau intercepted a letter written by Netaji’s key aide ACN Nambiar to Bose’s nephew Amiya Nath.
In a letter written to MI5 security liaison officer KM Bourne, IB official SB Shetty sought his comment and said, “The attached is a letter dated the 19.8.47 from AC Nambiar, Limmatquai 80, Zurich, Switzerland to Amiya Nath Bose, 1 Woodburn Park, P O, Elgin Road, Calcutta. The letter was seen during secret censorship and was passed on. We should be grateful for your comments on the letter.”
The report came after a row over the Intelligence Bureau spying on Bose’s two nephews, Sisir Kumar Bose and Amiya Nath Bose, sons of his brother Sarat Chandra Bose for 20 years between 1948 and 1968. Jawaharlal Nehru was Prime Minister for 16 of these 20 years.
Amid controversy over Intelligence Bureau keeping relatives of Subhash Chandra Bose under close watch, kin of ‘Shaheed-e-Azam’ Bhagat Singh today claimed that the martyr’s family had also been kept under “surveillance” for several years and demanded that the government declassify all files pertaining to him.
“Our family had been under surveillance for years. Our phone conversations, too, had been under the scanner for years,” Bhagat Singh’s 57-year-old nephew, Abhay Singh Sandhu told reporters in Mohali.
via NorthEast Calling
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