Sunday, May 26, 2013

UNC political tour in Tamenglong concludes


Imphal, May 25 2013 : The third leg of the United Naga Council (UNC) political tour in Naga areas was undertaken in Irianglong (Tamenglong) district in association with the Zeliangrong Baudi, Manipur and the frontal organisations of the region from May 23 to 25 .

According to a UNC statement, the political tour was carried out mainly with a view to interact with the people and to study the socio-economic conditions of the Nagas which is weakening by the day and to verify the tall claims made by the Government of Manipur on schemes/projects placed in the tripartite talk as development initiatives taken up by them in tribal areas.

The touring team witnessed the intensive work for construction of tunnels for the transAsian Railway line, deploying man and machine on scales never seen before and experienced at the same the deplorable road condition from Awangkhul to Tamenglong district headquarters, a distance of about only 65 km which take more than 3 hours to cover on four wheelers.

The plight of the people of the district whose main route of communication is a district road not worth the name continues to be ignored and isolates them further beyond distance, the UNC said.

The tour programme concluded with a joint meeting with former presidents and executives of the Zeliangrong Baudi and United Naga Council, Convenor of the Tamenglong District, Convenor and colleagues of the Co-ordination Committee Tamenglong for Alternative Arrangement, representatives of the Zeliangrong Youth Front, Zeliangrong Students’ Union Manipur, Member of the Peace Committee, women leaders, retired bureaucrats and a host of elders, intellectuals and public leaders.

The contours of the tripartite talk process of the Government of Manipur, Government of India and the UNC on the demand for an alternative arrangement outside the Government of Manipur was highlighted in the joint meeting which also emphasised on the need to be organised and be in continued preparedness for taking forward the people’s movement to its logical conclusion, the UNC said.

The President, United Naga Council also gave a call to end of factional violence and internal divisions and the need to join hands for building up the society in view of the impending settlement of the Indo-Naga issue and to effectively engage with the emerging challenges of the times.

The entire tour programme was hosted by the Zeliangrong Baudi, Manipur.

via NorthEast Calling - NorthEast India | India's No1 online News Magazine

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